
Presentations and videos

June 8




June 9


June 10



June 8




16:30 – 19:00

General Assembly

including a coffee break

June 9






09:50 – 10:10

Initiative for Adult Education (IEB) and Curriculum Basic Skills

Ingrid Kemper & Friederike Weber

10:10 – 10:30

Basic Skills in the New Agenda for Adult Learning

Sofie Doškářová

10:40 – 11:00

Workplace Basic Skills: Dealing with digitalisation and automatization at the Workplaces

Cäcilia Märki

11:20 – 12:20

W1: Policy and research

Reframing policy and pedagogy: the ‘Post16 Phonics Toolkit’ as a model for future work.

Sam Duncan

11:20 – 12:20

W1: Policy and research

Expanding the Research Base on Using Technology in Adult Basic Skills Programs: Current Efforts and Future Directions

Judith Alamprese

11:20 – 12:20

W2: Numeracy and Financial Literacy

What are relevant basic numeracy skills in 2030? And how can we teach them?

Kees Hoogland

11:20 – 12:20

W2: Numeracy and Financial Literacy

MONETTO Financial Literacy and GameBased Learning GBL

Monika Tröster

11:20 – 12:20

W3: Learning from experience and from each other

Taith – Wales’ New International Exchange Programme

Calvin Lees

11:20 – 12:20

W3: Learning from experience and from each other

Lessons learnt during the Covid crisis. What needs has the crisis revealed. What has worked best for the learners. Where have we failed to find good solutions.
How can we prepare for similar situations in the future.

Antra Carlsen & Helena Ahonen

14:30 – 15:00

Self Directed Learning, the „new normal”

Satya Brink

15:30 – 16:30

W4: Lessons learnt

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on VET teachers. Challenges and lessons learned. What we can do to help teachers become confident users of a hybrid approach to learning provision?

Entela Gjyla

15:30 – 16:30

W4: Lessons learnt

Educators Qualification of the Basic Skills – recognition as a “commendable qualified individual” for adult education

Adi Konedareva

15:30 – 16:30

W5: Life Skills

“Life skills at the focus of adult education” – A follow up of the Austrian EPALE Conference 2022

Andreas Koreimann and Angelika Hrubesch

15:30 – 16:30

W5: Life Skills

Social justice in working with migrant adults

Simona Herczeg

15:30 – 16:30

W6: Selfdirected learning and selfassessment

Research insights into online skills checks, selfassessment and screening tools

Alex Stevenson

15:30 – 16:30

W6: Selfdirected learning and selfassessment

Adapting the CITO selfassessment tools

Elaine Cohalan

June 10






09:30 – 10:00

Professionalization for adult educators: Qualification Profile for Basic Skills Trainers

Irmgard Stieglmayer & Dr. Giselheid Wagner

10:00 – 10:30

Basic skills education and its practice in the Context of Distance and Digitalization

Angelika Hrubesch & Dr. John Evers

11:10 – 11:50

Round Table
Preparing for the Future: Comparative Approaches to Policy and Mechanisms to Strengthen Adult Basic Skills Programs in Europe and North America

Sofie Doškářová

Judith A. Alamprese

Erno Hyvönen

Dr. John Evers

11:50 – 12:20

Professional Development for Basic Skills Teachers’ – EBSN on-line courses for micro-credentials

Zoltán Várkonyi & Dr. Helen Murphy

conference programme


The padlet for the conference is open to everyone who wishes to learn more about the conference, the speakers and EBSN’s new initiatives. Register and log in and contribute with your name to the conference padlet!

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Virtual Marketplace

We are continuing the tradition from EBSN annual conferences of providing a space i.e. marketplace for sharing information and networking. This year the marketplace is hosted in an allocated section in the conference padlet. The Virtual Marketplace is dedicated to promoting interaction, networking, and sharing additional resources beyond those presented at the workshop talks.

Conference Declaration

The Conference Declaration is an important element of all EBSN conferences. You can find the first draft of the declaration in the conference padlet. Add you comments in the dedicated padlet post below and be part of the co-creation of the 2021 Conference Declaration!

Project Generation Facility

The EBSN Secretariat’s former initiative in supporting project generation among network members continues this year too. The Member Organisations’ diverse background represent a significant potential for partnership-building. The Secretariat wishes to further promote cooperation among EBSN Members and beyond. Make sure to visit the conference padlet‘s respective section and share your ideas for future projects or find partners. 


EBSN Secretariat continues to promote interaction and a sense of cooperation and belonging to EBSN Members! We have organised the first Café this year and we are planning the next one at the end of the year!

speaker info

Find out about the background of our Speakers in this booklet!



Share your experience of the conference on social media with the #EBSNconference hashtag and feel free to tag EBSN as well!

For more technical and practical information about the conference, please get in touch with us through e-mail: