Survey for Members of the EBSN September, 2023With this survey the EBSN Executive Committee (EC) wants to improve its understanding of members’ priorities for current EBSN services and obtain feedback on potential future developments.Thank you for taking the time to answer the following questions before September 28th.If you are completing the survey by phone, for a better overview we recommend using horizontal positioning.Thank you very much for your support!The EBSN EC 1.Please rate the current services the EBSN is providing in accordance with its strategy. Indicate the extent to which you consider services to be very useful, useful, partially useful, not at all useful, or indicate services with no benefit to you or services you do not know. a. Information and communication services by EBSN a. Information and communication services by EBSN*Very usefulUsefulPartially usefulNot at all usefulNot aware of the serviceI am aware of the service but haven’t used itEBSN ConferenceEBSN WebsiteEBSN NewsletterEBSN CaféEBSN activities on EPALE (Community of Practice)EBSN social media activities such as - FacebookEBSN social media activities such as - LinkedInEBSN social media activities such as - X / TwitterEBSN social media activities such as - YouTube 1/a Comment on the rating of services b. Professional support by EBSN b. Professional support by EBSN*Very usefulUsefulPartially usefulNot at all usefulNot aware of the serviceI am aware of the service but haven’t used itCapacity Buildung Series (CBS) on EPALEProfessional Development Series (PDS) and Moocs 1/b Comment on the rating of services2. In your view, which services provided by the EBSN shall be strengthened in particular? a. The EBSN provides services in the area of information and communication as well as professional support. To help us understand which services are most valued by members, please choose up to 4 priorities. a. The EBSN provides services in the area of information and communication as well as professional support. To help us understand which services are most valued by members, please choose up to 4 priorities. *EBSN ConferenceEBSN WebsiteEBSN NewsletterEBSN CaféEBSN activities on EPALE (Community of Practice)EBSN social media activitiesProfessional Development Series (PDS) and MoocsCapacity Building Series (CBS) 2/a Comment b. The EBSN provides advocacy support. Please indicate where you consider involvement of the EBSN important. Please choose up to 3 priorities. b. The EBSN provides advocacy support. Please indicate where you consider involvement of the EBSN important. Please choose up to 3 priorities.*Cooperation with the European Commission to raise awareness and establish consensus on need for basic skills policies e.g. Upskilling Pathways, European Agenda for Adult Learning, and/or relevant EU working groupsLiaison with other global and international networks on basic skills of adults like the Global Alliance for Literacy by UILRepresentation of EBSN in European conferences organized by other stakeholders and/or members Facilitating policy support through ad-hoc policy support at the national level 2/b Comment3.The EBSN EC would like to understand how the cooperation among members could be strengthened. The EBSN would like to become more active in supporting cooperation between its members. a. Are you currently or have you ever collaborated with other EBSN members in joint projects? a. Are you currently or have you ever collaborated with other EBSN members in joint projects?*yesno If you haven’t, please provide reasons why you did not collaborate with other EBSN members so far?b. Would you welcome EBSN taking an active role in providing opportunities and facilitation services related to project generation among its members? b. Would you welcome EBSN taking an active role in providing opportunities and facilitation services related to project generation among its members?*yesnoc. Would you be interested in using such opportunities/services? c. Would you be interested in using such opportunities/services?*yesnod. What, if any, services would you consider useful regarding project generation among EBSN members? Please choose up to 3 priorities. d. What, if any, services would you consider useful regarding project generation among EBSN members? Please up to 3 priorities.*Inform members about calls and tenders at European level e.g. through mailings Provide online events for members looking to participate in projects and looking for partners“Prospective Partners Speed Dating for Projects” at the annual EBSN Conference Provide an online forum for project generation for example through a LinkedIn group, through a subsection on the EBSN website or other online tools 3/d Commente. If EBSN is in the position to extend its service provision what, if any, potential services would you like EBSN to provide in terms of support related to project application and implementation? Please choose up to 3 priorities. e. If EBSN is in the position to extend its service provision what, if any, potential services would you like EBSN to provide in terms of support related to project application and implementation? Please choose up to 3 priorities.*General introduction to the EU project grant landscape (free webinar)Partner with EBSN to support dissemination of project results at the European level (subcontracting)General introduction to ERASMUS+ grant schemes regarding projects with a focus on basic skills for adults (free webinar)Advice/good practices on key aspects of writing ERASMUS+ KA2 proposals with a focus on basic skills for adults (webinar, exchange of good practice among members)Recommendation/suitable practices on key aspects of implementing successfully granted ERASMUS+ KA2 projects with a focus on basic skills for adults (webinar, exchange of good practice among members)Individual and project-specific support in developing project proposals and implementing successfully awarded projects (fee chargeable) 3/e Comment4. If you have suggestions for further activities the EBSN should be strengthening not mentioned above, please state your ideas below. 4. If you have suggestions for further activities the EBSN should be strengthening not mentioned above, please state your ideas below.5. If you have any other feedback on the work of EBSN, please write a comment below. 5. If you have any other feedback on the work of EBSN, please write a comment below.6. General information about responding organizationFor potential elaboration of more tailored services for the EBSN members please help us with the information below.Name of member-organization: Name of member-organization:*Country: Country:*Category: Category *ministries of education, of employment, of inclusion, or social affairs,governmental institutions involved in the implementation of basic skills policy,regional and local authoritiesresearch institutionsteacher training institutionsumbrella organizations for non-formal learningsocial partners involved in education at the workplacenational or regional networks of private providersotherIf your organization has a PIC number, please indicate: If your organization has a PIC number, please indicate: If your organization have an OID (Organisation ID), please indicate: If your organization have an OID (Organisation ID), please indicate:SubmitReset